In most Armenian Public Schools teachers conduct lessons in a standard way. Teachers use explicit instructions for explaining Grammar. For teaching new vocabulary words, they often write words on the board and give the Armenian translations. They only tend to cover exercises that are given in the assigned textbooks and supplementary materials or games are never included in the lesson. Students are expected to memorize Grammar rules and vocabulary translations. This often creates unmotivated students in boring classes. When students are not motivated and do not enjoy they lose interest. Not all the students will be able to memorize the assigned staff and they are not engaged during lessons. Also students may have problems with understanding the new lesson. When English classes become just a requirement and do not motivate learning stops. Thus it is very important to create a learning environment that incorporates different approaches and supplementary materials such as games to maintain interest and encourage language learning. This action research study will investigate whether game- based learning in public schools will help elementary class students in the language learning process. By planning the lessons that include games that help with the specific language learning point. In addition, Interviews and written surveys with the teacher and students will also be conducted to see the effects of using games, lessons will be observed before and after implementing learning through games.