Computers and the Internet are so widespreadin education in general and in language teaching profession in particular,that one feels outdated and unimportant if not using them. They are considered to help teachers in making language learning faster, easier and more engaging, and help creatingan optimal language-learningenvironment.Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore whether the addition of computer assisted language learning(hereinafter: CALL) to traditional instruction would have a positiveeffectonArmenian EFL contexts.The effectiveness of this treatment was investigatedthrough apre-posttest quasi-experimental design. To enrich quantitative data, qualitative data was also collected. Although the treatment with CALL in this study did not produce statistically significant effects on increasing ArmenianEFL learners’ overall level of language proficiency, studentswere more enthusiastic and autonomous in their learning towardsthe CALL than towardsthe ‘traditional’ one.