Let n≥2 random lines intersect a planar convex domain D. Consider the probabilities pnk , k=0,1,…,n(n−1)/2 that the lines produce exactly k intersection points inside D. The objective is finding pnk through geometric invariants of D. Using Ambartzumian’s combinatorial algorithm, the known results are instantly reestablished for n=2,3. When n=4, these probabilities are expressed by new invariants of D. When D is a disc of radius r, the simplest forms of all invariants are found. The exact values of p3k and p4k are established.
This journal article was published in the "Journal of Applied Probability" , Volume 60 , Issue 2, June 2023 , pp. 504 - 527
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jpr.2022.60