In the scope of this project a web based data management system should be developed for
Armenian Science Citation Index (ASCI) which can later grow into a web portal
including complete and comprehensive bibliographical data on all scientific publications
in Armenia, their citations in other publications worldwide, a centralized multi-functional
information system that will incorporate 'bibliometric' data for Armenian researchers,
such as their affiliations, journal and other publication citations, etc. ASCI related data is
currently collected by Center for Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring at
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (CSIA). CSIA uses MS Access files
for that purpose and manually input data. Part of such data is send to Russian eLibrary.ru
system to make it available to the world. This web site will support in relevant data collection by providing centralised point of
access and data consistency and integrity checks which will partially solve above
mentioned data related issues. These data, being publicly available and searchable, could
be used as a tool to analyze and evaluate Armenian researchers' impact based on their
publications record and parameters, such as the Citations Impact Factor. It will increase
the scope of relevant date available to public by web services and will decrease the time
spent by used to get their needed data. It can also be a start point to develop an easy
search and collaboration tool for Armenian scientists locally as well as in diaspora - a
tool to find other Armenian researchers in the same field of study.