The popularity of the cameras in smart electronic devices led the industries to use them more
efficiently. Facial recognition research is one of the favorite topics among practitioners and
researchers and is a key to the future of smart technologies. This study is an attempt to indicate the
effectiveness of existing facial recognition algorithms using OpenCV library and C# programming
language. This thesis aims to investigate several facial recognition algorithms and make
comparisons in respect of their accuracy. We will use Viola-Jones Face Detection algorithm for
detecting the face, and the Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces, Local Binary Pattern Histogram algorithms for
recognizing the face. The thesis covers the complete process of face recognition, including face detection, preprocessing
of images, the comparison of the algorithms mentioned above and the real-time application of
Local binary pattern histogram. We will discuss the concept of each algorithm, and comparative analysis will reveal the most
accurate one. The development of the test cases will indicate that among the compared facial recognition
algorithms the Local Binary Pattern Algorithm has the highest accuracy to identify faces.