In the modern era, Cesarean section (C-section) is one of the major and most common
surgeries performed worldwide. Its rate is tremendously increasing across the globe. Around
the world, China tops the first place in C-section rate at 42%. In India, C-section rates
fluctuate across its states. India is the second most populated country in the world, where
two-third of its population (which is mostly under middle-income category) faces tremendous
expenditure on health care. Among these, birth delivery charges are climbing high especially
in private hospitals. Out-of-pocket expenses increase even more for deliveries done through
C-section which is a big public health issue in terms of Indian Economy. According to the
2015-16, National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), Telengana, a newly formed former state
of Andhra Pradesh had a high rate of C-section at 58%, followed by Andhra Pradesh, Kerala
and Tamil Nadu at 40.1%, 35.8%, 34.1%, respectively in the South.
In India, the C-section rate is higher among South Indian women, as compared to North
Indian women. At South, Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu tops first place in C-section at
a rate of over 50%. Of these, 54.6% were conducted among private hospitals.
A lack of proper knowledge on use of healthcare resources could increase avoidable financial
burden in the families. There should be official mandates on maintaining a complete
transparency between the patients and health care providers on every resource spent and
utilized. Thus, improving health care quality and reducing the overuse of resources.
An educational decision aid support and counseling services to the pregnant women, during
their period of gestation, could improve their knowledge on strengths and weakness of modes
of delivery. In addition, this will also decrease the anxiety of pregnant women toward natural
mode of delivery. Thus, the aim of this proposal is to focus on increasing the pregnant
women’s (13-28 weeks) knowledge on C-section and vaginal delivery. The specific objectives of the proposed program used for evaluation are:
1. At the end of the two month educational program, there will be 22% absolute increase
in the average knowledge percent score from the baseline in the intervention group.
2. By the end of six-months after the implementation of the educational training
program, the rate of caesarean section in the intervention group will be 14% (relative)
lower compared to the control group.
The study sample population estimates to around 705. This study incorporates the
knowledge, attitude and socio-demographic instruments that were used in previous similar
studies. SPSS software will be used for data entry and descriptive analysis will be used for
analytical purposes. The study received approval from the Institutional Review Board of the
American University of Armenia. The budget of the proposed study is USD26,843 (INR1,
900,990). This study will carve evidence for future research and development in this
particular arena of public health.