I have done a research to investigate the entrepreneurial thinking of the Armenian musicians and
the nature of the Armenian music industry; understand whether or not the current performing
musicians in the music industry of Armenia have a business or business knowledge and
marketing skills, and whether or not the musicians of the Armenian music industry have
entrepreneurial traits that govern them to act and further their music career. Chapter 1 and 2 are giving the reader a general knowledge on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and
Creativity, how the Music Industry is structured in Armenia and what do the Music Ecosystem
and Music Environment look like in Armenia. Chapter 3 describes how I collected the data and
conducted my interviews with the local Armenian Musicians, what methodology I used to
perform the Analysis. Chapter 4 shows the results, discussion and analysis of my findings.
Chapter 5 includes the concluding remarks and recommendations. 40 local Armenian Musicians (all of them from Live Music Industry) were interviewed in person
to generate the data of this study. The data analysis was performed using visualizations (graphs,
charts, pictorials, plots), T-test approach, and Python. The Entrepreneurial traits were assessed by two approaches: Big - 5 Approach and by
Entrepreneurial Traits list deduced from a general entrepreneurial behavior such as Creativity,
Innovation and Technology Use, Marketing Skills, Owning and Running a Business, and having
a registered IP. My study did not include Recording and Publishing Music Industries and the
details of examining the Armenian Music Environment. This is the first academic study being conducted in Armenia to investigate the
entrepreneurism/innovativeness/creativity of the Armenian musicians pointing out the
current status of the Armenian Music Industry, Ecosystem and Environment.