dc.description.abstract |
Environmental tobacco smoking (ETS) is an important worldwide public health hazard.
The health effects of chronic exposure to ETS are well documented and a growing body of literature indicates that exposure to ETS constitutes a risk factor for the development of pulmonary diseases and cancer. Children’s vulnerability to second-hand smoke is of particular concern, both for medical and socio-cultural reasons. Children are more likely than adults to suffer health effects from ETS exposure and the home is the most important source of such exposure. The purpose of this study is to assess parents’ awareness about ETS exposure, and to define their smoking behavior in the presence of their children. Quantitative research method, namely the descriptive cross-sectional survey will be used. The target population will be the parents of children aged from 0-
6 years old. The sample will be drawn from the population of Yerevan, using the cluster sampling methodology. The main instrument of the survey will be the questionnaire and for data collection face-to-face interview will be conducted to obtain data. Analysis will be done on STATA statistical package and by using the X2 test. The results of this study could be used by the Ministry of Health or non-governmental organizations for maintaining the awareness campaign about the health hazards in individual, especially children as well as at home and community buildings. |
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