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Concentration of lead in soil and dust and blood lead levels in Alaverdi children

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dc.contributor.advisor Jakab, Dr. George
dc.contributor.author Grigoryan, Astghik
dc.date.accessioned 2014-06-13T10:51:57Z
dc.date.available 2014-06-13T10:51:57Z
dc.date.created 2001
dc.date.issued 2014-06-13
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.aua.am/xmlui/handle/123456789/280
dc.description.abstract Lead is an omnipresent toxic metal. In industrialized countries the adverse health effects of lead exposure are considered among the most important environmental health problems. Armenia has several locations contaminated with lead. These are mostly the places with lead releasing industries. However, no study has been conducted on the source of contamination, media, and factors influencing exposure and susceptibility to lead toxicity. One of the lead contaminated places is Alaverdi, the location of a copper mining and metallurgical complex. Moreover, Alaverdi is located in a valley where temperature inversion may trap air pollutants near the surface of the earth, which may increase exposure. Therefore, the Alaverdi population is at risk of high lead exposure. This necessitates preventive measures to safeguard the population, especially children, from lead exposure. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between lead concentrations in the environment and blood lead levels in Alaverdi children. The study population will consist of 351 children between the ages of 3–10 living in Alaverdi. Environmental lead levels will be measured in the houses, yards, and gardens where the children participating in the study live and spend their leisure time, as well as in the kindergartens they attend. Mothers of these children will be interviewed to determine risk factors of exposure. The study will be conducted using across-sectional design. The analysis of the association between the children’s blood lead level and environmental lead concentration will be done using a multiple regression model controlling for factors potentially effecting this association. Dose-response relationship will be analysed by Chi-square test of trend. The proposed study will show if a problem of lead exposure exists in Alaverdi children related to environmental lead contamination. The investigation of site-specific factors enhancing susceptibility to lead dosing will be helpful in elaboration and dissemination of lead exposure prevention measures. The program will be implemented by the Center for Health Services Research and the Environmental Conservation and Research Center of the American University of Armenia. Key personnel of the program are presented by Project Director, Research Assistant, and Accountant. In addition, Nurses, Sample Collectors/Interviewers, Data Entry/Analyst, and Consultants are involved into the study. The requested amount of money is 29,872 USD. For the analyses of blood, soil, and dust lead levels the equipment of Environmental Conservation and Research Center of American University of Armenia will be used. The total cost of the equipment is 44,000 USD. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject 2001 en_US
dc.subject Armenia en_US
dc.subject Alaverdi en_US
dc.subject American University of Armenia (AUA) en_US
dc.subject AUA en_US
dc.subject Lead en_US
dc.subject Lead mines and mining en_US
dc.subject Lead--adverse effects en_US
dc.subject Public Health en_US
dc.subject Lead contamination en_US
dc.subject Children's health en_US
dc.subject Children en_US
dc.subject 2001
dc.title Concentration of lead in soil and dust and blood lead levels in Alaverdi children en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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