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A Group Photo Showcasing the Graduates and Faculty of the CTEFL Program from 1997 Graduation.

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dc.contributor.author American Unversity of Armenia (AUA)
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-19T09:08:20Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-19T09:08:20Z
dc.date.created 1997-10-05
dc.date.issued 2025-02-19
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.aua.am/xmlui/handle/123456789/2454
dc.description This color photo is located in box 18, labeled 1997 en_US
dc.publisher American University of Armenia (AUA) en_US
dc.subject Commencement Ceremony en_US
dc.subject Graduation Ceremony en_US
dc.subject Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language en_US
dc.subject Graduates and Faculty en_US
dc.subject Virgil Strohmeyer, Faculty, CTEFL en_US
dc.subject Louza Antonian, Graduate, CTEFL en_US
dc.subject Elisa Kekejian, Faculty, CTEFL en_US
dc.subject Rhonda Cooper, Director, Intensive English Program en_US
dc.subject Rouzanna Janoyan, Gayane Avetisyan, Armida Poghosyan, CTEFL Graduates en_US
dc.title A Group Photo Showcasing the Graduates and Faculty of the CTEFL Program from 1997 Graduation. en_US
dc.type Image en_US

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