DSpace Repository

AUA Turpanjian College of Health Sciences

AUA Turpanjian College of Health Sciences


Collection Overview

The Mission of the AUA Turpanjian College of Health Sciences (CHS) is to improve population health and health services in Armenia and beyond through interdisciplinary education, transformative research, and the development of public health professionals to be leaders in public health, health services research and evaluation, as well as health care delivery and management. The SPH Master of Public Health (MPH) Program engages experienced health professionals and others in transformational education and training in population-based approaches to health and health services research, delivery, and evaluation. Our graduates are then prepared to lead efforts in improving health and health services in Armenia and globally. Our Values include transparency, commitment to the highest level of ethical standards, community engagement and inclusiveness, interdisciplinarity, the highest quality in teaching, research and project implementation, and commitment to sustainable development.


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